Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm broken!!!

I am happy to say that I am on the healing side! =) Five weeks ago I thought I had gotten into some poison ivy. So I went to my family doctor and come home with a steroids RX and some creams to help with the itching on my back, chest and stomach. A week later new pink ITCHY patches were showing up on my upper arms and legs. As Lance put it, I was "broken" and both of us were pretty sure we weren't dealing with poison ivy. A visit to the dermatologist confirmed that I had pityriasis rosea. It means you have more itchy spots than is necessary for an intense session of connect-the-dots. You have to hate having a diagnosis that has no cause and no universal treatment. The kicker was when I was told that it should all go away within 12 weeks. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Summer is here and sweating does not help the itching sensation.

Follow-up: I'm not as broken anymore! Most of the spots aren't itching anymore and I am starting to discover places on my body that are spot-free! My kids like that I am willing to be in the sun again and take them on walks and play in the backyard. Also we are all happy that the rash can't be passed on to each other. I don't like being broken!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've finally made my way over to your blog...just to read the bad news about your rash. Believe it or not, I also have a terrible rash right now! Glad we are both on the mend.